For whatever reason, anti-aging has long been considered “for the ladies.” It might be true that women pay closer attention to skin care products and treatments, but we’re not entirely sure why this myth has been perpetuated for so long. Wanting to look your best is not specific to women — or men, for that matter — everyone wants to feel their best. With a growing number of male patients looking to BOTOX Cosmetic and injectable fillers at our Austin practice, this is becoming more and more evident.

Inspired by our recent live “Bro-tox” injection with Dr. Piazza, we asked our Nurse Injector, Hayley, a few questions about the trend. Here’s what she shared:

Q: Have you noticed the “Bro-tox” trend at The Piazza Center?

Hayley: Yes, the word is finally out! I have noticed that most of my male clients have been concerned about their fine lines and wrinkles for a while by the time they come in. Usually, their wife, partner, or close friend who gets injectables opens the door to the conversation. Once their wife or partner justifies it, or they find out their best guy friend has had BOTOX, they feel comfortable moving forward with a treatment session.

Q: Why do you think men are becoming more open to nonsurgical treatments?

Hayley: Most of my male clients fall under the following categories:

  • “Situational”: Preparing for a big event, like a wedding or job interview.
  • “Rat race”: Wanting to look refreshed, well-slept, and rejuvenated in a competitive, highly demanding, or stressful job.
  • “Dedicated athlete/health nut”: Starting to see lines and hollowing of the face long before the body starts to age due to long-term sun exposure from sports activity and lean body mass. Ultimately, this guy wants his face to look as good as his body does.

Because Austin is a young and competitive city, “Bro-tox,” brows, and “man-icures” are just as common as keeping up with a gym routine.

Q: How are male BOTOX patients different than women — or are they?

Hayley: Oddly enough, my male clients are very consistent with their treatments. They never miss routine maintenance, and they always carve out time in their schedules to stay refreshed.

However, my female clients are MUCH tougher when it comes to some of the mild discomfort associated with injections. NO PAIN, NO GAIN, GUYS!

Whether you’re thinking about BOTOX for yourself or for a guy in your life, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Hayley and our team of experts. We’ll work with you (or him) to develop a custom treatment plan. From “Bro-tox” to simple skincare updates, we’ve got it covered.

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