Through the aging process, our skin loses its shape and snap! It becomes loose, lax, and saggy, especially in the lower face and neck. This area bothers many of us and is where aging shows first.

Here at The Piazza Center in Austin, TX, we offer Profound® RF Microneedling, a new non-surgical treatment that rejuvenates the skin of the lower face and neck that synergistically combines microneedling with using heat and long-pulse radiofrequency (RF) energy.

How Do We Treat Lower Face and Neck Laxity at The Piazza Center?

We treat lower face and neck laxity, wrinkles, and sagging skin with Profound RF microneedling, a nonsurgical skin tightening device. Profound works by using tiny needles to penetrate the skin and deliver RF energy to heat the deeper layers of skin to tighten and lift sagging, loose skin.

What Can Be Treated with Profound RF Microneedling?

Profound RF microneedling can be used on the face, neck, chest, and body to address a number of skin concerns.

On the face and neck, Profound RF microneedling is used to treat:

  • Saggy skin on the neck
  • Jowls 
  • Double chin
  • Texture issues on the chin and jawline

In addition to tightening skin on the lower face and neck, Profound RF microneedling is also effective at treating cellulite on the thighs and buttocks.

How Does Profound RF Microneedling Work?

Profound RF microneedling for the lower face and neck combines the synergistic effects of microneedling and Radio Frequency (RF) energy to penetrate the skin and trigger your body’s natural healing process to produce new elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid.

During a Profound RF microneedling treatment, tiny needles are injected into the upper layers of the dermis and then RF energy is pulsed into the skin via the Profound device. The RF energy heats the skin to an exact temperature and depth for a specifically set amount of time. Profound precisely delivers RF energy to the skin layers where it is most beneficial. This process stimulates your skin’s natural healing process and causes it to produce elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. 

Profound RF microneedling causes your skin to increase production of elastin by 500%, up to 200% of collagen, and increases hyaluronic acid, resulting in smoother, tighter skin on the lower face and neck.

Profound: A Nonsurgical Skin Tightening Alternative to a Facelift

If you are seeking a nonsurgical alternative to a facelift, want to improve the look of your skin on the lower face and neck, or have had a facelift and are looking to improve your skin laxity and strength, the Profound RF treatment for the lower face and neck could be right for you.

Profound RF works by improving elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid production in the skin.

What is Elastin?

Elastin is a protein that coils and recoils like a spring within the skin.  Elastin is what gives our skin that snap! Think of elastin like the springs in a mattress.  As we age, our skin stops producing elastin. The springs break or are not formed properly, which causes the skin to sag over time.

What is Collagen?

Collagen is the protein that gives support to the coils.  It is a major component of our skin.  Collagen allows the tissues in skin to stretch and be flexible. As we age our bodies produce less collagen, leading to decreased suppleness and the formation of wrinkles in our skin. This is first noticeable along the jawline and neck.

What is Hyaluronic Acid?

Hyaluronic Acid, or HA, is a natural substance found in our skin that acts as a lubricant and cushion. It is also what holds the moisture in your skin. Think of HA as the foam or fluff in a mattress. 

We need all 3 of these substances to improve the signs of aging in the lower face and neck.

Learn More About Profound RF Microneedling

If you are considering a treatment to address aging concerns in the lower face and neck, now is the time to learn how Profound RF microneedling can help you achieve optimal results.

To learn more about Profound RF and what it can do for you, call The Piazza Center at (512) 288-8200 or request a complimentary consultation with one of our advanced Profound RF microneedling providers at The Piazza Center in Austin.

At your consultation, we will perform a thorough assessment of your skin and create an individualized plan to help you achieve your goals.

Alison Kothman, RN, BSN is a nurse injector at The Piazza Center plastic surgery practice in Austin, TX. She customizes aesthetic treatments for her patients to ensure they look and feel their best. Call (512) 994-4136 and visit the website

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