Every year, we get excited about the Holidays at our practice. This is the 4th annual 12 Christmas Gift release from our practice- where we release a different exclusive special offer during 12 weekdays of December. This year – we are focused on aging successfully because we are partners in our patient’s overall health for life. We can do this by creating a comprehensive plastic surgery experience in which our patient’s health and well-being are foremost in the treatment plan. Hayley and I sat down recently and looked at everything we offer at our plastic surgery practice in Austin. We created incredible exclusive offers that will allow our patients to take advantage of skin care products, med spa services, and injectables right here in Austin to age successfully. Combining these exclusive offers with a customized treatment plan and follow-up is definitely a recipe for success. Follow us on our Facebook and Twitter for daily exclusive offer releases starting December 2nd. Please write a comment below or contact me directly via email if you have any questions.