Case 2249
Case Details
This 50-year-old female came in concerned that her cheeks were flattening and loss of support in the chin and temples. Sculptra is a great filler for the temples, so we used 1 vile to get that collagen stimulated and eventually build up that support. To address her concerns of flattening in the cheeks, 2 syringes of Voluma were used to give her that lift she was looking for. She was in need of some volume to the lips so Juvederm Ultra was the right choice for her. Overall, she was very satisfied with the results when the treatment was over!
Procedures Performed
2 syringes of Voluma to cheeks and chin- to lift cheeks and build support in chin. 1 syringe Juvederm Ultra to the lips- for volume. 1 vile of Sculptra to temples- to build support
Provider: Nurse Injector team at The Piazza Center
About This Patient